Friday, June 25, 2010

Scarlet Fever

Today we are seeing a much happier, healthier little girl. 
Earlier this week however, our beautiful daughter was not well, suffering from temperatures and a sore throat and just a general unwell feeling.  It was not until a few days later that I discovered a rash all over her that alarm bells started to sound and a little bit of concern crept in.  As we know you can never trust a rash.....After some much appreciated advice from SIL I called 13HEALTH who are very helpful and really great to talk with on the phone.  I managed to get an appointment to see the Dr and she was diagnosed as having Scarlet Fever.  This is quite rare and begins with Strep throat, fevers/temps  and they then get what is called "strawberry tongue" and a white ring around the mouth, as well as this rash (looked like she had 'goosebumps' all over her).  She is now on a course of Antibiotics and well on her way to recovery.  We are hoping that all other family members stay healthy and Scarlet fever free.

The rash that was all over her body
"strawberry Tongue" - almost sounds kissable....but not very nice

Winter Cupcake

These are some Winter themed Cupcakes I made

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Dad

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dad......we hope that you have had a very special day full of memories that you can look back on.  My the Lord continue to lead and guide you as you continue to follow.  Love you so very much.  You are an inspirational dad and super cool grandad.

Love Andy Amy and the kiddies

Friday, June 18, 2010

Getting Started

Well I am very excited to be now writing my very first post on my new blog page. I am hoping to be able to share things with you that I experience in my days at home teaching my children, outings and special things I get up to.
I am going to try and work out how to make another page that I can dedicate to the cakes I have made and would like to make. So please come back and check that out soon.